HOURS UPDATE: We are now open on Sundays for emergencies from 9:00am - 4:00pm.

Senior Pet Care

Specialized support and monitoring during your pet's golden years.

Like humans, pets get older and may develop certain health problems as they age. We understand this and are committed to providing care that is adapted to the specific needs of our senior patients. Senior pets require special attention to maintain their health and quality of life. That’s why our experienced veterinary team is there to offer complete and attentive care so your pet can continue to enjoy every moment with you throughout their golden years. 

From what age is a pet considered “senior”?

The age at which a pet is considered “senior” can depend on their species and breed. Generally speaking, medium to large dogs are considered “senior” from the age of seven or eight, while cats and small dogs may be considered “senior” at around ten years of age. However, since each animal is unique, their specific needs can vary.

What are the common signs of aging in pets?

Aging can be manifested in a variety of ways. The most common signs of aging in pets include decreased energy, reduced mobility, changes in appetite, dental issues, a degree of sight or hearing loss, behavioural changes and chronic health problems. If you notice any of these signs in your pet, we recommend making an appointment for a complete veterinary assessment.

What can I do to help improve my senior pet’s quality of life?

You can help improve your senior pet’s quality of life by feeding them a diet adapted to their specific needs, maintaining a healthy weight, encouraging moderate exercise, providing a safe and comfortable environment and planning regular vet checks to make sure their health is monitored closely.

Does my senior pet need to visit the vet more often?

Yes, senior pets can benefit from more frequent visits to the vet. Routine exams are useful for detecting health problems at an early stage and implementing management plans to improve overall wellness. Regular visits also allow us to monitor your pet’s health and provide customized care based on their changing needs.

What specific care can my senior pet receive?

Specific care for senior pets can include detailed medical exams, diagnostic tests, pain management programs, tailored and adapted nutrition plans, supplements, and treatments for chronic conditions. Of course, this will vary according to the individual animal’s needs. 

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