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Vaccine Information

Vaccines give your cherished companion immunity from deadly diseases.

When should my cat or dog begin vaccination?

It is essential for your loyal companion to be vaccinated on time. Felines should begin vaccination when they are 6-8 weeks old. Your veterinarian will recommend boosters every four weeks until they are 16 to 20 weeks of age. FVRCP (a combination vaccine which includes Panleukopenia, Rhinotracheitis, Calicivirus) is usually the first vaccine administered. Feline leukemia, Rabies, Feline chlamydia and other vaccines are given after. A year after your feline completes their kitten series, your veterinarian will recommend boosters.

Your veterinarian will establish a vaccine schedule for your canine companion starting at 6-8 weeks of age. The timeline for vaccination may look like this:

  • 6-10 weeks: DHPP (5 in 1 vaccine for canine distemper, parvovirus, parainfluenza and adenovirus).
  • 11-14 weeks: DHPP booster, Leptospirosis, Lyme disease and Influenza.
  • 15-16 weeks: DHPP, Rabies, Leptospirosis, Influenza and Lyme disease.

Once fully vaccinated, your veterinarian will recommend boosters for your loyal companion to maintain their immunity. Lyme disease, DHPP, leptospirosis and canine influenza vaccines are effective for one year, Bordetella is valid for 6 to 12 months and Rabies provides immunity for three years.

Why do veterinarians recommend additional vaccines?

Felines and canines need to have immunity from various diseases at all stages of their life. In addition to core vaccines, your veterinarian may recommend non-core ones. We consider the risk factors that are unique to your cat or dog such as:

  • Where your loyal companion came from - a shelter, pet store, breeder or stray?
  • The places your feline or canine companion frequents. Were they ever boarded? Does your dog go to dog parks? Is your cat an outdoor animal?
  • The vaccination history of your loyal companion. Are they partially vaccinated? Is their mother vaccinated?

What happens if my cat or dog is unvaccinated?

The diseases that cats and dogs are exposed to without vaccines can be life-threatening and expensive to treat. Keep in mind that some of these diseases can even be spread to humans. Without vaccines, dogs are at risk of experiencing the following diseases and symptoms:

  1. Bordetella - the symptoms include runny nose, coughing, breathing problems and lung infection.
  2. Canine distemper virus - your loyal companion will have seizures, lung infection and fever.
  3. Rabies - dogs with this disease suffer from paralysis, fever, difficulty swallowing and seizures. Humans can also get this disease from rabid animals.
  4. Lyme disease - the symptoms include inflammation, joint pain and fatal kidney damage.
  5. Canine Parvovirus - bloody diarrhea, bone marrow suppression and vomiting are some symptoms of this disease.
  6. Adenovirus/ Parainfluenza - this respiratory illness causes pneumonia, coughing, lung infection and runny nose.
  7. Leptospirosis - symptoms include fever, vomiting, and fatal kidney and liver damage.

Unvaccinated cats are at risk of developing the following diseases:

  1. Rabies - this disease ultimately results in death.
  2. Feline Leukemia - this disease weakens their immune system, making them more vulnerable to other infections and cancer.
  3. Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) - weight loss, seizures, behavioural changes, severe dental disease and neurological disorders are symptoms of this disease.
  4. Feline Calicivirus - a highly contagious virus that causes upper respiratory infections and oral disease (inflammation and ulcers on gums and tongues).
  5. Feline chlamydia - sneezing, nasal discharge, yellow or watery discharge from the eyes, and swelling and reddening of the conjunctiva.
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